Friday, February 15, 2013


Motivation as a wife, a daughter, or a friend.
Motivation for your career, the perfect bod, or a healthy diet.
For anything!
What motivates you?

Here's what motivates me..
My fiance is a hard worker, y'all, and I don't brag on him enough. So I believe that he should be able to come home to a clean house and relax while I make dinner. His happiness is my motivation. Now, is it always clean? No. Do we have gourmet meals every night? No. But I try to make a concious effort at it. There are only so many hours in a day, people! And when I ask him to help me with dinner, clean up or with the laundry - you better believe he helps me. :)
 Having friends that go to my same gym and enjoy the same group classes as I do, is a HUGE help. Emily, Katie and I text each other almost everyday to see what class we all want to go to that day. I used to feel guilty for going to a class that would ultimately make dinner run late, but now that Cameron has starting going again, that motivates me to go even more! I may or may not put a little extra weight on my Body Pump bar to impress him...
The most obvious form of motivation, for the past year and two months anyway, is that white dress I'll be wearing in 43 days and the fact that I will be living in a bikini for a straight week after that.
I will admit that I do wish I was more motivated with my career path, but it's hard to be super motivated when you don't know what you want to be "when you grow up!"
Yes, this is a rambling, random post.
But that's just what's on my mind today.
Happy Friday and happy weekend! 


  1. What gym do you go to? I cancelled my membership at MUSC and am in the market for good classes that fit with a work schedule!

  2. I need to catch that motivation bug! Getting into an exercise regimen has been rough. I hate getting home so late and I am a zombie in the mornings!

  3. I'm with you on having my fiance's happiness motivate me to keep a clean and cozy home, a stocked fridge, and so on and so forth. Hopefully this doesn't pass years down the road!!

    And also, the wedding motivation for me is a scary motivation. I'm more afraid of NOT looking good, and NOT losing weight, that I've been getting in my own way. It's been a slow process so I'm hoping it starts to click here soon!!!!

  4. I loved this post Megan! When I'm in St. Louis, I'm the same way- making sure the house is clean and there's a good dinner for B to come home to. After a crazy day fighting the battles of residency it's the least I can do. I used to go to East Shore Athletic club and loved their classes. It's always so much easier when you have friends meeting you there!

  5. Great post! My husband's motivation at work is something I look up to as well. I have also been motivated by him to go to the gym more often (he goes nearly every day). I gotta keep up with the guy! ;)

  6. Such a good post. And you are going to be one great wifey :)

  7. Ooo this is a great post! My man works for an investment bank, so he works really hard and long hours--while I generally only work 8am-5pm, so it's really nice to put in that motivation to make them dinner or clean up the house a bit. i love doing that--not because I "have" to, but because I know it makes his life a little easier!

  8. Love your blog, and the quotes! I totally relate to not knowing what you want to do when you grow up!

  9. Hey Megan! We met when I was in Charleston with Katherine for brunch! We will be back down for her bachey party in a few weeks. I'm browsing the blog world again and might get back into it! I just wanted to pop in and say hi!

  10. I put off the working out thing for so long, saying that it pushed dinner back too late and made it too hard for me to get to bed in time for school in the morning. Since I've gotten back into it though, I've realized I was just making excuses, ha!

  11. I try to do the same for Shaun! It's tough hitting the gym, coming home and cooking dinner all while fitting in cleaning, laundry, etc., but someone's gotta do it! Props to you girl!

    I also loveee body pump! Where do you take classes? I'm keeping that white dress in the back of my mind and hoping that if I start now, it won't be so intimidating later ;)

  12. Great post, Megan. I have no problem doing the traditional housework (sipping a glass of vino, of course) while my guy works his long hours. Then we can spend time together once he's home!
    I think what motivates me most, gym-wise, is when I see a picture of myself. I love when I look good (obvi), which kicks my butt to the gym in the morning!
