Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Charleston 9 {7 Years}.

Today marks the 7th anniversary of the Sofa Super Store fire that took the lives of 9 Charleston firefighters. 
They will never be forgotten for the sacrifices that they made. 

You can read more about it here and about the impact that one of the firefighters had on me, and a ton of other people from my hometown. 

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  1. So sorry for your loss and the loss of your community! I will say a prayer today for you and your hometown today!

  2. Just rode by the memorial and looks like they're setting up for it. Can't already believe it's already been 7 years! :(

  3. I can't believe it has already been 7 years. Thank you for reminding us of this and the lives lost that horrible day.

  4. wow RIP. I remember when that happened -- it was a few months before i moved to Charleston the first time. it was such a terrible tragedy!

  5. gosh what a sad story- I just read it. Firefighters are amazing people!

  6. Anniversaries of events like this are never easy - my thoughts are with you and your community!

  7. Thinking of you and your community today. What a sweet relationship you had with Louis.

  8. I went back and read your other post... so so heartbreaking. I'm sending a prayer up for them!
