3D ultrasound at 12 weeks |
When did we know it was twins?
We knew that by doing the IUI procedure to get pregnant, there was an increased chance of having twins. But honestly, we didn't think it would happen to us! Then, when I went in to have my bloodwork done to confirm the pregnancy, my first beta number was 565. Two days later it was 1400. They like to see this number atleast double, so when mine more than doubled, the girls in a private Facebook group I was in, were all convinced it was twins. The higher HCG numbers do not ALWAYS indicate multiples though so I really wasn't sure what to believe. Then, at our first ultrasound at 5 weeks (seeing a fertility doctor gets you early ultrasounds!) we got the shock of our lives when the doctor said, "well, just as I suspected, there are two in there!" My eyes got huge, and I kept looking back and forth between the ultrasound screen and a very shocked (and silent) husband.
Type of twins?
There are a few types of twins:

Ours are "di-di" twins (bottom right), which means they are in separate amniotic sacs and have their own placentas. Luckily, these are the least risky type of twins. And there's your science lesson for the day. :)
Do twins run in our family?
Nope! They are a blessing due to the fact that we did the IUI procedure to get pregnant.
How did we tell our parents it was twins?
After our first ultrasound at 5 weeks, we got back to Cameron's car and immediately called our parents to share the exciting/shocking news. We actually Face-timed my parents and when they picked up, all they saw was the ultrasound below. My mom literally said, "oh, sh*t!" Needless to say, they were also shocked and very excited. We then called Cameron's parents and his stepdad said the same thing!
Identical or fraternal?
Di-di twins are most likely fraternal (unless they are boy/girl in which they are definitely fraternal), but there is also a slight chance they could be identical. We will not know for sure until they are born.
When did we find out the genders?
My regular OB told us that we would not be able to find out the genders until my 20 week ultrasound. Are you kidding me?!? I'm the type of person that gives birthday presents early because I hate waiting! So I scheduled an elective ultrasound for 17 weeks. Well, at my 16 week appointment, which Cameron last minute decided he couldn't come to because he was swamped at work and I thought it was just going to be a quick appointment, the ultrasound tech told me she could tell what they are and asked if I wanted to know. Well again, I am the worst at waiting on things, so I immediately said yes! Baby A was not being very cooperative so we moved on to Baby B. It's (very clearly) a boy! Went back to Baby A and were finally able to tell it's another boy! I immediately started tearing up because I wanted atleast one boy because we wanted to name him after Cameron's brother that passed away when he was younger.
After my appointment was over, I wanted to tell Cameron in person the genders and absolutely could not wait until after work. I went to Party City and picked up a bunch of blue balloons and drove to his work. Once I was in the parking lot, I hid around a corner, called him, and asked him to come outside. He walked outside, and there I was with the blue balloons! Surprise, we're having two boys! He was very shocked and even more excited. It was really cute and I'll never forget the look on his face. :)
What's my due date?
My original due date was November 22, but with twins you are considered full term at 38 weeks, so that moves my due date up to November 8. The same due date as one of my best friends, Katie! I'm 19 weeks today, so that means I'm halfway there!!
Did I miss anything? Sorry for the uterus pictures, I know some people are weird about seeing them.