Next Sunday, the Saks in Charleston will be closing it's doors FOR-EV-ER. While this makes me sad, it makes my wallet happy. Although trying to find a place to park downtown makes me want to pull my hair out, I hate paying for shipping even more. So, yesterday after my BFF, Emily (who is getting married in 9 days!!!!) treated me to a massage, we went downtown to get my final fitting for my bridesmaid dress that is being made. What happens to be a few doors down from the seamstress? Saks. What is plastered all over Saks' windows? "60-80% off!" How could I, or anyone for that matter, resist?? After trying on a handful of dresses and a pair of jeans, I walked away with my very first pair (yes, you read that right) of Sevens. For $60! I don't get into the whole buying 25 pairs of similiar jeans at $200 each. That's just not me. I'd rather have 234385 dresses.
Roxanne Jeans in Mercer

This weekend will be a busy one! Have a rehearsal dinner tomorrow night for work and then working a half day on Saturday before I head down to the City Marina to hopefully celebrate the Major Motion winning the Megadock tournament! Sunday will probably be spent on the boat recuperating from the tournament celebration (even if they don't win).

um... i need some jeans. Do you think I missed my chance?