-Last night we celebrated Kate's 31st birthday (confession: I wrote Happy 30th on her FB wall AND her bday card. Bad friend.) by grabbing dinner at Sweeney's on Johns Island. It's a fairly new restaurant that I've heard mixed reviews about and have always wanted to try. I'm glad they chose this restaurant to go to because I really enjoyed it! I ordered the tomato soup, which I let everyone taste and we were all fans, and the charcuterie. Tried pate for the first time - didn't hate it, didn't love it. The pimento cheese was my favorite, it was so creamy! Cameron ordered the kale and brussels sprouts salad with salmon on top. I would definitely order that salad just by itself next time I go!
After dinner, we headed next door to Seanachai's for a quick mojito. Cameron, Caroline, and I raved about them to everyone, but I was actually disappointed in last night's batch. Oh well, we'll still be back!
-I GOT A NEW JOB! I haven't really mentioned it on my blog, because you never know who reads it, but I've been looking for a new job for quite some time now. The nights, weekends, holidays were definitely taking a toll on me and I wasn't the happy person I used to be at the end of the day. Something had to change. After multiple interviews, a few big let downs, and lots of prayers, I'm happy to say that I will be starting a new job in September! Hello Monday-Friday, 9-5, no working holidays, and flexible schedule! It will be my first job not in the hospitality industry, and I'm really excited about it. I will be an association manager for a locally owned company here in Charleston, managing properties on Kiawah! The office is downtown, which will be a nice change of pace, but I'll still get to see the beauty of Kiawah a couple times a week. HOORAY!
Taken on my way to work this morning |
-As of two weeks ago, I paid off my last credit card! Can I just tell you how awesome that feels? Starting from over $7,000 in credit card debt down to $0. I know I've said this before, but I really have Cameron to thank for making me realize how stupid it was to have that much debt and hardly anything to show for it. Now I just have a little under $2,000 left to pay on my car and I'll be debt free!
-I really need to get back in the gym. It has been close to a month since I've really worked out and I can definitely tell.