Thursday, July 31, 2014

Thursday's Thoughts {Birthday, New Job!, Credit Card Update}

Today I'm linking up with Annie and Natalie for Thursday's Thoughts!
Thoughts for Thursday

-Last night we celebrated Kate's 31st birthday (confession: I wrote Happy 30th on her FB wall AND her bday card. Bad friend.) by grabbing dinner at Sweeney's on Johns Island. It's a fairly new restaurant that I've heard mixed reviews about and have always wanted to try. I'm glad they chose this restaurant to go to because I really enjoyed it! I ordered the tomato soup, which I let everyone taste and we were all fans, and the charcuterie. Tried pate for the first time - didn't hate it, didn't love it. The pimento cheese was my favorite, it was so creamy! Cameron ordered the kale and brussels sprouts salad with salmon on top. I would definitely order that salad just by itself next time I go! 

After dinner, we headed next door to Seanachai's for a quick mojito. Cameron, Caroline, and I raved about them to everyone, but I was actually disappointed in last night's batch. Oh well, we'll still be back! 

-I GOT A NEW JOB! I haven't really mentioned it on my blog, because you never know who reads it, but I've been looking for a new job for quite some time now. The nights, weekends, holidays were definitely taking a toll on me and I wasn't the happy person I used to be at the end of the day. Something had to change. After multiple interviews, a few big let downs, and lots of prayers, I'm happy to say that I will be starting a new job in September! Hello Monday-Friday, 9-5, no working holidays, and flexible schedule! It will be my first job not in the hospitality industry, and I'm really excited about it. I will be an association manager for a locally owned company here in Charleston, managing properties on Kiawah! The office is downtown, which will be a nice change of pace, but I'll still get to see the beauty of Kiawah a couple times a week. HOORAY!
Taken on my way to work this morning
-As of two weeks ago, I paid off my last credit card! Can I just tell you how awesome that feels? Starting from over $7,000 in credit card debt down to $0. I know I've said this before, but I really have Cameron to thank for making me realize how stupid it was to have that much debt and hardly anything to show for it. Now I just have a little under $2,000 left to pay on my car and I'll be debt free! 

-I really need to get back in the gym. It has been close to a month since I've really worked out and I can definitely tell. 
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  1. Woo hoo! Congrats on the new job and the new adventure downtown! Working DT is so much fun, all the restaurants are just as tempting at lunch time. Haha, it's dangerous!

    I haven't been to Sweeney's, but now I'm thinking real hard about that pimento cheese...

  2. I always forget about Sweeney's! Go Cameron for ordering the salad and salmon! Theo would think that was such a girly meal! I already told you congrats on the new job but congrats again! I'm super jealous of your CC pay off. I have a good bit left on mine I need to get rid off and it's eating at me! Shoot me an email on how you paid all yours off. See you tonight!! Life as I know it

  3. Congrats on the new job! Although I'm sure you'll miss that drive on to Kiawah every morning - those sunrises are always so gorgeous out there.

  4. Found you through the linkup!

    Congratulations on almost being debt free!! I know how amazing that feels. It's a huge feat.

  5. Congratulations on getting rid of that credit card debt and the new job!!! I work for a country club doing event management so I feel you on the nights/weekends/holidays. Not fun but luckily we're moving in a few weeks and I'll be on the hunt for a typical 9-5 job!

  6. Congrats on the new job and a huge congrats on no more credit card debt!! You've worked so hard to get to this point and you'll be 100% debt free before you know it!

  7. oh my gosh, Congratulations on being credit card debt free!! I get so hyper about credit card debt, I hate it! I really don't even care about the rest of it, but for some reason credit card debt stresses me out! Stopping by from the link up :)

  8. Congrats!!!! Hope to get to meet you in person tonight!!!!

  9. I'm so happy you got a new job!!! I know it was an annoying process, but it sounds like you are going to be much happier. Was it hard to find a job in a totally different industry? I sometimes dream about just giving up sales and going into event planning or real estate or something verrrry different from my current day to day.

  10. Yay for my new co-worker and friend!!!! Can't wait to have you in the desk next to me!

  11. Congrats on the new job and on almost being debt free! That is awesome :)

  12. Congrats on your new job and paying off the credit cards!! What a great week you had!


  13. Congrats on the new job! I know how awful the whole process can be! So glad you'll be moving to something that will hopefully make you happier - you totally deserve it.

  14. Congratulations on the new job!!! Today is actually my last day at my current one (boo hoo) - starting somewhere new on Aug. 18th. It'll be nice to have some time off!

  15. Congrats on the new job! I'm sure that takes a big relief off your shoulders!

  16. Congrats Megan! That is awesome!!!

  17. Congrats, Congrats, Congrats about your new job!! A blog post was much needed for all of this excitement. Oy vey the credit cards. I am ready for that college debt to be GONE

  18. Yayyy!! Congratulations on your new job and for no more debt! How exciting!!

  19. That is so awesome about your credit card debt!! Way to go lady!

  20. Way to go on your credit card debt!! I know thats such a weight lifted off and what perfect timing as you start your new job!! I love your JCrew top you wore to dinner. I have the same one and love it!! Thanks for linking up gal!

  21. YAY for being almost totally debt free!! When I’m back in town we’re meeting for drinks to celebrate your new job!

  22. First of all, congrats on the job!!! And also on the credit card news- I know it can be super tough. My boyfriend had to help me as well… guys who are good with money is a plus in my book :)

  23. Congrats on the new job!!!! :) ooooh yayyyyyy for getting rid of debt!!!! Your car will be paid off before you know it!!!

  24. Congrats on paying off your credit cards AND getting a new job! So many exciting changes!!

  25. Stopping by from the link up! Love your blog!! Congrats on your job and the cc's! Those are two awesomely huge things!!! And that charcuterie plate has me drooling!!

  26. congrats on the new job! so very exciting!!!!

  27. Woohoo about your job! That's exciting news. You're not going to know what to do on Friday and Saturday nights when you can stay up late now!

  28. YAY for a new job (and still getting to see Kiawah on a regular basis....lucky girl!!) Congratulations...on that and on paying off your last credit card! Go you!! :)

  29. Congratulations on your new job AND paying off all of your credit card debt! I know that's a great feeling!!

  30. Congrats on the new job and paying off your debt! Exciting times! :)

  31. Congratulations on your new job, lady! Also, I need you to give me your plan for paying off your credit card debt. It's what I want to do this year. I've been slowly working on it, but would like to make it a faster transition!

  32. Congrats on the new job!! And I know you are enjoying being so close to being debt free. I have 3 more student loan payments and then I get to celebrate.

  33. Way to go on the new job and also clearing the credit cards! Can you share how you did it and how long it took?
    California To Carolina
    The Gym Bunny

  34. congrats on your new job! that is so exciting!
