Monday, January 27, 2014

Easy Breezy Weekend.

This weekend was just what I needed. No real plans and no random camping trips. 

Friday night we decided to just take it easy and stay home. Our friends Jen and Joe came by for a few hours and we just watched a Kevin Hart comedy special. Lots and lots of laughter.

Saturday morning I went and met my friend, Frankie's, baby boy for the first time! He was so close to sharing a birthday with me! I'm talking hours away. He was born about a month early so he is a tiny little thing. The prettiest blue-gray eyes you've ever seen and is just so easy going. 

Later that day, Cameron and I decided to go check out the Holy City Brewery with Caroline and Andy.  It sure beat the home show that we were originally thinking about going to.

 Each couple split a flight of their craft beers. 

After a couple of beers and filling up our growler, we went and ate dinner at Evo in Park Circle. Cameron and I split a pizza with just mushrooms and pepperoni (our go-to), I ordered the farmer's salad and Cameron ordered the kale caesar salad. All so good and just the right amount!
Hoping this cute little beer foam heart is a sign of good things to come in my future! (No, not a baby..yet)

Sunday we lounged around all day, keeping warm with hot beverages and fuzzy blankets. Later that day, we went to Cameron's parent's house for a family oyster roast and Beaufort stew. 

Got home just in time to catch some of the Grammy's! I missed the Jay-Z / Beyonce performance that I heard was amazing, so I'm off to check it out!
Have a great week!
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  1. love the coffee pic! and that mug is precious.

  2. I've never been to Holy City but I've heard it's fun. We love EVO! That whole Park Circle area is one of my favorite places to go. Just a nice change from Avondale. Mmm I love oyster roasts. We had one Saturday night!

  3. Weekends with no real plans are the best! And it looks like you had the perfect Sunday. Spending the day snuggling under cozy blankets and then having a family dinner at night sounds like my ideal Sunday!

  4. Definitely sounds like a really nice, not super crazy busy weekend. Love it!

  5. P.S. I'm trying your feta meatloaf this week :)

  6. Oysters are SO good! Glad you had a nice relaxing weekend!

  7. Sounds like y'all had a great weekend! Very similar to ours...minus the oysters and babies!

  8. Sounds like a fun-filled weekend!

  9. Roman is beyond perfect. Love Holy City and have heard such great things about Evo. We saw Mr. Bill Saturday at Trey's grandmother's memorial and he asked if we had heard about your "crazy camping trip". Ha, I told him we had of course. Snuggle up with Brady today - fingers crossed for flurries!

  10. Oysters! Yum! I've never even heard of Holy City, but it sounds like you had a blast :)
