Thursday, July 18, 2013

Gamecock Gameday Attire - Piperlime.

I stayed up way past my bedtime last night watching the ESPYS because Clowney was nominated for Best Play of 2013 for his big hit in the Outback bowl game against Michigan. It was worth it though because he won!
6 weeks to go! 


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  1. I LOVE the lace top and milan cami! Can you put them in my closet for me, please? :)

  2. LOVE everything...especially Jadeveon! :)

  3. Love the Joie top with burgundy better yet "garnet" pants.

  4. Go Clowney! I love those two tops the most. And Trey brought me fried green pickles from Blind Tiger last night. You would approve :)

  5. Cute!!! Do you follow Hazel & Olive? They have posted some real cute gamecock color attire lately!

  6. Oh my gosh! I am totally counting down to college football too - I'm an Auburn Fan!! AND - last night I made pumpkin bread because I just can't wait for Fall to get here soon enough!! Fun post!

  7. Um, hi, those red shoes are perfection. Michael Kors can't go wrong!
