Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wedding Wednesday: Bridal Portrait Inspiration.

Spray tan - check!
Ring cleaned - check!
Manicure - check!
Brady groomed - check! 
All accessories packed up and ready to go - check!
My bridal portraits are tomorrow!!!!

Here are some pictures I sent my photographer (who actually took some of the ones below) as inspiration:

And since a I'll have a special guest with me...


  1. How exciting! Have fun!



  2. GOOD LUCK! It's so fun, so definitely enjoy it and small and realize this is getting real!! But then you have to hide the pictures for so long.. it's so TOUGH! I can't WAIT to see yours!! Definitely walk around and take advantage of different settings and locations as well. :) I didn't give my photographer any portraits to look at but we both did great together. Have so much fun!!

  3. Oh my gosh that last picture with pups is SO adorable!

  4. That last picture, I swoon.....

  5. Pretty!! I can't wait to see how they come out :)

  6. Good luck!!! I had a terrible, cold, windy day for my bridal portraits, but it's still so much fun.


  7. Loving that Brady will be a part of your photos!! Bridal sessions are so much fun and all about you, so enjoy every minute!

  8. These are beautiful, cannot wait to see yours!! Have fun!!

  9. SO excited for you! Can't wait to hear how it goes -- I will definitely need details on where you got your spray tan done and how the pup held up! I will have TWO special guests joining me for portraits in March.

  10. I loveee your dog being in the pics! I cannot wait to see them!

  11. I can't wait to see them!!! I borrowed your checklist on my blog today...hope you don't mind :) Gave you credit of course. Good luck with the pictures!

  12. I can't wait to see them! My bridal portrait is probably my favorite wedding item - don't get me wrong - I love my engagement photo that everyone signed and I love the large photo of mine and David's first dance that is framed in my living room but my bridal portrait is my fave by far. It was at one of my favorite spots, my BFF and mom were there, it was hot but beautiful. We had the best time and it was the FIRST time that I truly FELT like a bride :) Enjoy every moment Megan; before you know it 10 years will have gone by!

  13. Beautiful! My biggest regret is no wedding photos with my pup :-( I can't wait to see yours. Enjoy!!

  14. These are absolutely gorgeous! Good luck tomorrow...praying for good weather!

  15. Eeek, they are going to be beautiful!

  16. Is Juliet your photographer? She did my cousin's wedding in Maine, and did a breathtaking job. Loved her!

  17. how cute?!?!? I L.O.V.E. the dog ones! So adorable!

  18. It's so weird getting your portraits done...its the first time I saw the hair, makeup, dress, and accessories all together. It felt like a long time yet it went by so fast. I have one suggestions - don't skip breakfast, I was so rushed between the hair and makeup appointments that I really didn't eat much and my energy was drained at the second half of the portrait session. And bring your toothbrush and floss with you if you have to eat on the go...I was so thankful that I had my floss with me!

    Mine were last Thursday and my photographer sent me the link yesterday...I was expecting to have a few weeks to wait so it was super exciting to see them right away.

  19. EEKKK!! How exciting Megan!! They're going to be beautiful. Love the last two pictures

  20. Love the first shot! I've seen this in other sessions taken you know which street these blue doors are on?

  21. I love the idea of having bridal portraits! They are obviously much more popular in the South than they are here (I rarely, if ever, hear of a bride doing separate portraits before the wedding), but it's definitely a great way to get the pictures you want. You're going to be too stressed and anxious to want to spend too much time on pictures the day of! I can't wait to see the finished product :)

    Thanks for linking up today my dear!


  22. omg amazing! love that you're including your dog :)
