Monday, August 15, 2011

Sweet Tea & Stilettos

Today I've been asked to guest post for Hannah at Sweet Tea & Stilettos while she is away relaxing in the mountains with her hubby, Bryan! It's my first guest post ever so I was a little nervous when she asked me. I didn't know what to talk about!

Click here to see what I chose for my topic.


On another quick note, I had a blast at the Charleston blogger meet up last Thursday at Social and I can't wait for the next one! Thank you so much to Kim for coordinating it (and letting me borrow a pic)!!
Me, Chassity, Christina, Amanda, Natalie, Caycee


  1. How fun! Looks like you girls had a blast!

  2. aren't you fancy!:) the guest blog looks awesome!

  3. I love your blog, it is too cute! I just started one of my own and would love for you to follow me, Thanks!:)
