Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Twin Tuesday [Maternity Photos + Updates]

After having to reschedule my maternity photos three times due to weather, we finally had sunny skies last week! Not going to lie, I had a very busy day the day the pictures were scheduled and I started questioning if I should even still do them. Well, I am so glad I did! Who knows if this is going to be my only pregnancy? Aside from my Iphone pics, I wanted documentation of this wild ride and my ever expanding belly! 

Kelly of Kelly Conley Photography was so easy to work with and made me feel so relaxed. It was just like hanging out with an old friend! After discussing the style of pictures that I liked and the atmosphere I was interested in, we decided on Daniel Island. Which actually worked great because Cameron's office is on DI. 


33 Week Update

-I've started going to weekly appointments, and last week was my first NST (non-stress test). It took them forever to get Baby B to cooperate and find his heartbeat (I wasn't worried because I had just seen him on an ultrasound). 

-During the ultrasound, Baby A measured 4lbs5oz and Baby B measured 4lbs1oz. Can't believe I'm basically carrying around a full size baby at this point! Actually, I can. They are heavy! 

-My csection is scheduled for November 11, if they don't come on their own before that! The 5 week count down is on!!! 

-My hospital bag is packed and the car seats are installed. Talk about a surreal feeling looking in my rear view mirror and seeing two car seats! 

-I'm waiting on the glider to come in before I share photos of the nursery and it's been 12 weeks since I ordered it, so hopefully it will be here soon! 

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  1. You look great, beautiful friend!!! What lovely pictures to cherish!

  2. I'm so glad that the photos worked out finally! They are gorgeous! I saw your pic of the two car seats, and I can definitely imagine it's a super surreal feeling for sure! Can't wait to see the nursery (hopefully the glider people get their act together!!)

  3. GORGEOUS pictures, you look just stunning! :)

  4. these are SO cute! i love the second picture. precious!!

  5. Yayyyyy!!! Love the pictures!!! Can't wait for November 11th or earlier!!!

  6. Beautiful pictures! Daniel Island was such a good location for these :)

  7. You look so pretty Megan!! Getting so close till you meet your boys!

  8. You are absolutely beautiful! These 5 weeks are going to fly by. Can't wait to see the nursery!

  9. You look amazing girl! Best of luck!!

  10. You look gorgeous Megan!!!!


  11. I feel like this has flown by, you look great! Not a new reader, but a new commenter. :)

  12. Beautiful mama!


  13. You look absolutely stunning! Love the location! Can't believe you have 5 more weeks! xx, I'm Fixin' To
