Friday, October 29, 2010

Exciting News & 5QF!

First, for the exciting news...

Cameron's brother, Gil, proposed to his girlfriend, Nancy, of 8 years last night! It also happened to be her birthday!
the happy couple

Also, yesterday Cameron's cousin, Hope, gave birth to a healthy baby boy!! They named him Emory and he weighed 7lbs, 5 oz. They did not know the sex of the baby before he was born and most of the bets were on a boy. I posted about her baby shower here.

So, October 28th will be an easy date to remember in their family!

1. If you could be a fly on any wall, which would you choose?
 I always suck at these kinds of questions. Ooh, I've got it. I would want to be on the wall of Cameron's thoughts so I could hear his true feelings instead of me prying them out of him. He's a guy, I get it (sometimes). :)

2. Do you budget your Christmas shopping or just get it done without budgeting?

I know what I can spend on each person (ie. not a lot) and I try to make it an even amount throughout my family that is thankfully, small. I wish I could get them everything they wanted though!!

3. What is the craziest fad diet you have ever done?

I'm pretty sure I haven't done any of them! I'm lucky enough (NOT bragging, and definitely knocking on wood) that I've never really had to go on any diets. I try to eat somewhat healthy during the week so I can splurge on the weekend. I could definitely make smarter choices when it came to what liquids I consume on a daily basis (coffee and soda).

4. Is there a TV show that you have seen every episode/season of?

I hate to say it, but probably a lot of reality shows. Real Housewives and Teen Mom for sure. Grey's, Desperate Housewives. Sad, I know.

5. What one song always pulls at your heart?
There are so many. I am such a sap when it comes to songs that are even remotely sad...or even sweet!  This will have to be in list form:

  • "One Sweet Day" (yes, the old skool song by Mariah Carey & Boyz II Men) - the song came out on the radio right around the time that my Grandaddy Al passed away. 
  • "When I Get Where I'm Going" (Brad Paisley & Dolly Parton) - this song came out days before my Aunt Sharlene passed away and was played at her funeral. Sometimes I change the song when I hear it, other times I think I can get through it without crying...but don't. I just keep thinking about sitting next to my Grandaddy and holding his hand during the funeral. Ok, now I'm getting emotional so I'm going on to the next one...
  • Those are the two main songs that really get me, but other songs for no apparent reason include "God Blessed the Broken Road" (Rascal Flatts), "Holes in the Floor of Heaven" (Collin Raye), "Baby Girl" (Will Hoge)..I think I want that as my Father/Daughter song at my eventual wedding.


  1. yay, exciting! Love your new blog design!

  2. I've seen every episode of teen mom AND 16 and pregnant. I'm addicted.

    hope you have a great weekend.

  3. your new layout is so cute. i'm such a sucker for teen mom too.

  4. New follower from 5QF! Cute blog, love the name.

    I love God Bless the Broken Road by Rascal Flatts. Great song!!

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Best bday present ever! And I heart the margin zig zag stripes!

  6. I'm your newest follower from 5Q5. I love your blog and I love pickles too!

    Hope you'll stop by to say hi.


  7. Seriously, why did you bring that up? I almost cry when I just see those two songs, much less hear them. And now they're stuck in my head. We are such babies, but understandably so.
